Chandler Taking Climate Action
The future isn’t what it used to be. That’s why Crossbow Communications is digging in to defend endangered species and an endangered planet. The lives of future generations are counting on more sustainable practices and policies.
Cities are home to about 50 percent of the world’s population, but they generate 80 percent of our planet’s greenhouse gases – the primary human contributor to global warming and climate change. As a result, many communities are experiencing increasing threats of fires, droughts, floods, severe weather, population displacement, and others. Community leaders and citizens around the world must be informed, motivated, coordinated and empowered to be part of the solution.
Gary Chandler has spent most of his career defending the planet and its underdogs.
Chandler promotes sustainability issues, including climate change, deforestation, biodiversity, sustainable cities. The concept of sustainable living is not new, but it is experiencing growing interest again because of rising energy costs, depleted natural resources, polluted natural resources, population growth, and concerns about climate change and diminishing resources. At the local level, comprehensive and collaborative visioning and planning efforts, followed by numerous actions, will be a key to success. Civic leaders need guidance and resources to engage all stakeholders. They need role models, case studies, networks, mentors, financial assistance, and incentives to help them exchange experiences and resources.
The Greener Cities program can help minimize civic gridlock and promote rapid progress in our race for sustainability for future generations.
The Greener Cities program will feature two core components – a comprehensive and dynamic online portal and a prestigious international awards program. Both can be hosted in your city and produced in partnership with other stakeholders, which will help attract thousands of influential leaders to our host city each year. As a partner in the Greener Cities program, the host city will further position itself as the leader in international business and sustainability.
Chandler is a veteran communications strategist with more than 30 years of experience in marketing, public affairs and issue management. He has influenced public opinion and public policy around the world. He is a record-setting marketing strategist and an award-winning public affairs professional. In his spare time, he writes books about sustainability, natural resources and wildlife conservation.